Always ask the question: "Why?"

Let's Discuss...

All right students.  This is a quick review of the blog/threaded discussion rules.  Read them carefully and adhere to (follow) each rule.  ALSO, after reading the topic, you need to click reply.  This will let you post a response.  Have fun!

  • Students may not use their full name!  Identify yourself by writing the first three letters of your first name and then just the first letter of your last name.  Then put a comma and your tribe/family/group.  (For example... LeiB, Pinkys/Wolverines)
  • Students must always use language that is school appropriate when posting a response!
  • Students are allowed to argue and disagree with one another; however, students are not allowed to attack other students personally.  (Students are only allowed to quarrel with others' ideas, not whom the ideas belong to.)
  • Each response must be at least one full paragraph to receive full credit.
  • You must blog twice!  Your two blog postings must be done at least 24 hours apart.



First blog

06/25/2012 02:21

Our new blog has been launched today. Stay focused on it and we will try to keep you informed. You can read new posts on this blog via the RSS feed.


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