Always ask the question: "Why?"

The results are in... and just like we thought:  I can and WE CAN!!!!

HOLY COW everyone!!!!!!  I knew the test results would be great, but I was unprepared for these totally EXTRAORDINARY results!!!!  You just have to check out and see the data for yourself.  It's INCREDIBLY PHENOMINAL!!!!  Here is a summary of the facts...

  • In reading, you went from the 501st ranked school in the state to the 282nd ranked school.  That’s an improvement of TWO HUNDRED nineteen places!!!!
    • This improvement in reading makes you the 35th MOST IMPROVED high school in the entire state!!!!!
  • In writing, you went from the 180th ranked school in Michigan to the 24th—that’s right, the TWENTY-FOURTH—ranked school in the state!!!  That’s an improvement of ONE HUNDRED FIFTY-SIX places!!!!
    • Just over three-fourths of you were proficient—or better—in writing: 75.3%!!!!
  • In terms of reading AND math, you are the 48th MOST IMPROVED Michigan school overall… congratulations!!!

THIS is why I am so tough on you all.  Do you now see what you are capable of?!?  This is TREMENDOUS!!!  This is the stuff dreams are made of—the stuff films are made of.  You all are proof that ANYTHING is possible!  Even when the state’s expectations went up 26%, you all rose to the challenge… and succeeded!!!!  I’ve never been so proud of a group of students.  Way to go seniors J (That’s right, you’re seniors now.)

Let’s make sure to continue this trend next year!  You’ve done some great things, but let’s continue them.  Fantastic… just FANTASTIC job everyone.  You really are that which inspires!

(And be sure to check out the "11th grade" tab at the top of the page for even more data.)

A brief introduction

    Well hello there everyone :)!  Welcome to Teacher Who?'s website.  Here you'll find LOTS of resources that should be of great use to you.  On this home page, you'll find lots of links that should prove very useful.  If you're looking for your grades... use the link to Star's Parent Portal; if you desire to watch a good music video or two, be sure to check out Nickelback's "If Everyone Cared"; if you want to laugh... be sure to check out Strongbad's e-mail or the youtube video of me dancing; and if you want to learn more about me (and why I call myself Teacher Who?)...make sure to click the "About Me" tab at the top.

(click the picture to see me dance) 

    There are lots of other cool things too.  If you want to get in contact with me or follow me on twitter, you can find my information to the right.  And be sure to use the links along the top of this page to find whatever you need.  If you're absent or misplace your lesson plan, just click your class to download another.  If you need some assistance with writing--whether it be looking up a rubric, finding an assignment, or using a graphic organizer to help you draft--be sure to get what you need from the writing lab tab.  I could explain the rest of the tabs, but I'll let you explore on your own and find out how useful they can be.  Enjoy!  :)

Looking for your grades?

Click the Falcon logo to go to the grade portal.

Want to make a difference?

If you are one of those people who desire to make a contribution... simply click the link below to go to a site filled with ideas on how to change the world.

What would happen?

What would happen if everyone cared?  Hmmmmmmmmm.  Be sure to check out this music video from Nickelback.  It's AMAZING!

More ways to contribute...

Want to work on your vocabulary AND feed the hungry?  (Talk about win-win!)  Simply go to the link below to do both :).

Just for fun...

I found this site many years ago and thought it was the funniest thing ever.  Check it out if you have the time :)  (Be sure to check out "lures and jigs" e-mail.)

Summer Packet Info.

If you have misplaced your copy of the English, humanities, and science summer packet, just click the logo below to download it :).


A.P. Literature students...

If you need the link to Ms. Youssef's A.P. Literature webpage... look no further.  Here it is :)

And if you would like to see what past exams look like... click the link below.


If you're looking for more information on the International Baccalaureate program--especially you tenth graders working on your personal project--simply click the image below to visit their website.

Star International Academy

If you need to visit Star's website, here it is...

Think before you speak...

A wonderful website that tells us to think about what we say...

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